Monday, December 21, 2009

Who the fuck is Cory Kennedy?

Who is this girl? Why's she been getting all the internet hype!? And what we're all really wondering, why's she with Paris? Readers wanting to know the answer to these questions and more can look forward to our next issue of 'Walls and Bridges', which features a rather impromptu interview (but excellent, Cory was really on her game, and boy, does she know her fashion) with Cory Kennedy. The interview took place at a house party hosted by her ex lover (and fashion photog extraordinaire) Mark, the Cobrasnake somewhere in the depths of Edmonton. We'll leave it to you to put together the details and wait to read our issue, but, what can i say? Sparks were flying.
 Catchya Later!

Evan and Alex


Friday, December 18, 2009



Hi Everybody!

Welcome to our blog, and thanks for visiting!
 Here at 'Walls and Bridges', Alex and I want to keep our readers constantly informed and awareof all the new, exciting changes going on  at our zine headquarters. We intend to use this blog not only to promote the zine, but to use it as a place to display other important material that might not make it in to the final publication. Our hope is that this will motivate readers to seek out the zine (availability limited to 50 exclusive print runs) and in doing so investigate what we think are some of the most interesting, important facets and issues involving city life, the state and health of the world, and, ultimately, the future of the human race. So, without much more ado, read on, and enjoy!

Ours and yours,
Evan and Alex